What order should I learn French grammar?
What order should I learn French grammar? The recommended order for learning French grammar is to start with the basics such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and sentences structure. Then, move…
All the news and tips about French learning and also the updates of the most complete platform: FRENCH4ME.NET
What order should I learn French grammar? The recommended order for learning French grammar is to start with the basics such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and sentences structure. Then, move…
Welcome to Unit 2 of the main curriculum of French4me.net, where you will embark on a journey to learn the intricacies of the French language. This unit is designed to…
Welcome to the Unit 1 of the main curriculum of French4me.net! This unit is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in French grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation before moving…
At what age does it become harder to learn? The difficulty of learning a new language can increase as you get older, but this is not a hard and fast…
Can I learn French B1 in 6 months? Learning French B1 in 6 months is possible with dedicated effort and consistent study, but it will also depend on your existing…
Is B2 good enough? B2 level in French is considered to be a high intermediate level, where you are able to understand complex ideas and expressions and can express yourself…
How long does it take to get B2 in French? On average, it takes around 1,200-1,500 hours of study to reach B2 level in French. The amount of time it…
100 video exercises per course (5 minutes each) to test your ability to find the missing words in 40,000 French phrases. The phrases are selected randomly for each exercise. Discover…
French4me.net is excited to announce the release and the reorganization of our online French quizzes! These quizzes are designed to help students of all levels improve their French language skills…
Pouvez-vous me recommander des endroits intéressants à visiter dans la ville ? (Can you recommend interesting places to visit in the city?) Quels sont les endroits incontournables à visiter dans…