L’info du jour : French Theater History
French theater, with roots in the medieval period and evolving through the works of Molière and Racine, remains a vital and dynamic aspect of French culture. Le théâtre français, ayant…
French grammar tip: The Importance of ‘C’est’ for Emphasis
‘C’est’ is used in French to emphasize or highlight something, often followed by a noun or adjective. For instance, ‘C’est magnifique!’ means ‘It’s magnificent!’. ‘C’est’ est utilisé en français pour…
5 sentences with “avoir l’âge de ses artères”
Malgré ses cheveux gris, il a toujours l’énergie d’un jeune homme. Il n’a pas l’âge de ses artères. Despite his gray hair, he still has the energy of a young…
French conjugation tip: Conjugation of the Irregular Verb “Boire”
The verb “boire” (to drink) is irregular in the present tense and is commonly used in daily conversation. The conjugation is: “je bois”, “tu bois”, “il/elle boit”, “nous buvons”, “vous…
French vocabulary tip: French Transportation Vocabulary (Advanced)
Expanding on basic transportation vocabulary, it’s useful to know more advanced terms in French. Words like “le péage” (toll), “le carrefour” (intersection), “le rond-point” (roundabout), “le stationnement” (parking), and “le…
The French positive thought of the day
L’auto-motivation est une force intérieure qui nous pousse à agir et à atteindre nos objectifs. En croyant en nous-mêmes, nous développons une résilience qui nous aide à surmonter les obstacles.…
French video course: 100% Exercises | French speaking celebrities (dictation)
100% Exercises | French speaking celebrities (dictation) https://www.french4me.net/courses/1418959 To access this course and all the courses of French4me.net, you will need to purchase the Full Access Unlimited: https://www.french4me.net/p/lifetime-access-unlimited
Le cours de français du jour I Exercices vidéo | 30 000 phrases | Partie 13
Exercices vidéo | 30 000 phrases | Partie 13 https://www.french4me.net/courses/554555 Pour accéder à ce cours et à tous les cours qui sont proposés sur French4me.net, vous devrez acheter l’accès à…
L’info du jour : Traditional French Songs
Traditional French songs, from the chansons of Edith Piaf to the modern melodies of Jacques Brel, have played a vital role in expressing the French spirit and sentiment. Les chansons…
French grammar tip: Expressing Quantity with ‘Beaucoup de’
‘Beaucoup de’ is used to express a large quantity of something. It is always followed by ‘de’, regardless of the gender or number of the noun. For example, ‘beaucoup de…
5 sentences with “avoir mauvais goût”
Je trouve que cette peinture a mauvais goût, les couleurs sont trop vives. I think this painting has bad taste, the colors are too bright. Son sens de la mode…
5 sentences with “avoir un moral d’acier”
Malgré les difficultés, elle garde un moral d’acier et ne se laisse pas abattre. Despite the difficulties, she keeps a steel spirit and doesn’t let herself be defeated. Face à…