L’info du jour : Medieval French History
Medieval France was a time of significant social, political, and religious transformations, with events like the Hundred Years’ War and the construction of iconic cathedrals. La France médiévale a été…
French grammar tip: Using ‘Tout’ in French Expressions
‘Tout’ is a versatile word in French, meaning ‘all’, ‘every’, or ‘very’. It can modify nouns, pronouns, or adjectives depending on the context. For example, ‘Tout le monde’ means ‘Everyone’,…
5 sentences with “avoir lieu de faire”
Il a lieu de se méfier de cette personne, elle a déjà montré des signes de malhonnêteté. There is reason to be wary of this person, they have already shown…
French conjugation tip: Conjugation of the Irregular Verb “Rire”
The verb “rire” (to laugh) is irregular and less commonly focused on, but it is still important. The conjugation in the present tense is: “je ris”, “tu ris”, “il/elle rit”,…
French vocabulary tip: French Sports Vocabulary
Sports are a popular topic of conversation, and knowing the related vocabulary in French is beneficial. Key terms include “le football” (soccer), “le basket” (basketball), “le tennis” (tennis), “le match”…
The French positive thought of the day
La clarté d’esprit est une lumière intérieure qui nous guide dans nos choix. En apaisant notre esprit, nous découvrons des solutions et des perspectives nouvelles qui enrichissent notre vie. Clarity…
French video course: 100% Exercises | Le français de Marseille
100% Exercises | Le français de Marseille https://www.french4me.net/courses/1437330 To access this course and all the courses of French4me.net, you will need to purchase the Full Access Unlimited: https://www.french4me.net/p/lifetime-access-unlimited
Le cours de français du jour I Exercices vidéo | 30 000 phrases | Partie 10
Exercices vidéo | 30 000 phrases | Partie 10 https://www.french4me.net/courses/554534 Pour accéder à ce cours et à tous les cours qui sont proposés sur French4me.net, vous devrez acheter l’accès à…
L’info du jour : Famous French Rivers
France’s major rivers like the Seine, Loire, and Rhone are integral to its geography and history, serving as vital waterways for transportation, agriculture, and trade. Les principaux fleuves de France…
French grammar tip: The Use of ‘Aussi’ in Comparisons
‘Aussi’ is used in comparisons to mean ‘as’ or ‘also’. For example, ‘Elle est aussi grande que lui’ means ‘She is as tall as him’. ‘Aussi’ est utilisé dans les…
5 sentences with “avoir une sale tête”
Ne te regarde pas dans le miroir, tu as une sale tête ce matin. Don’t look in the mirror, you look rough this morning. Après la soirée, il avait une…
French conjugation tip: Conjugation of the Irregular Verb “Recevoir” Revisited
We revisit “recevoir” (to receive) due to its irregularity and importance in various contexts, including receiving something physically or metaphorically. The present tense forms are: “je reçois”, “tu reçois”, “il/elle…