French grammar tip: Understanding ‘Personne’ as a Negative Pronoun
‘Personne’ can be used as a negative pronoun in French, meaning ‘nobody’ or ‘no one’. For example, ‘Je ne vois personne’ means ‘I see nobody’. ‘Personne’ peut être utilisé comme…
5 sentences with “avoir rendez-vous”
J’ai rendez-vous chez le médecin demain matin à 9 heures. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. Ils ont rendez-vous avec leur avocat pour discuter de leur…
French conjugation tip: Reflexive Verbs in the Passé Composé
When using reflexive verbs in the Passé Composé, “être” is always used as the auxiliary verb. The reflexive pronoun precedes the auxiliary verb, and the past participle generally agrees with…
French vocabulary tip: French Architecture Vocabulary
Architecture is a fascinating field, especially in a country known for its historical buildings. Knowing architecture-related vocabulary in French will enrich your discussions. Key terms include “le bâtiment” (building), “le…
The French positive thought of the day
En célébrant chaque opportunité, nous renforçons notre confiance en notre capacité à créer des changements positifs. Chaque action entreprise avec intention nous rapproche de nos aspirations. By celebrating every opportunity,…
French video course: 100% Exercises | The dish of the day (dictation)
100% Exercises | The dish of the day (dictation) To access this course and all the courses of, you will need to purchase the Full Access Unlimited:
Le cours de français du jour I Vocabulaire | Vocabulaire pêle-mêle | Vocabulaire en vrac ! | Vol7
Vocabulaire | Vocabulaire pêle-mêle | Vocabulaire en vrac ! | Vol7 Pour accéder à ce cours et à tous les cours qui sont proposés sur, vous devrez acheter…
L’info du jour : French Islands
France boasts a variety of beautiful islands like Corsica and the Reunion in the Indian Ocean, each with unique landscapes and cultural heritage. La France possède une variété de belles…
French grammar tip: The Use of ‘Quel’ in Exclamations
‘Quel’ is used in exclamations to express surprise or admiration, similar to ‘What a…!’ in English. For example, ‘Quelle belle journée!’ means ‘What a beautiful day!’. ‘Quel’ est utilisé dans…
5 sentences with “avoir un chat dans la gorge”
Excusez-moi, j’ai un chat dans la gorge. Je vais prendre un verre d’eau. Excuse me, I have a frog in my throat. I’ll have a glass of water. Elle ne…
French conjugation tip: Common Irregular Past Participles
Some verbs have irregular past participles that do not follow the regular -é, -i, or -u endings. For example, “avoir” becomes “eu”, “être” becomes “été”, “faire” becomes “fait”, and “voir”…
French vocabulary tip: French Gardening Vocabulary
Gardening is a peaceful and rewarding hobby, and knowing the related vocabulary in French will help you share this passion. Important words include “le jardin” (garden), “les plantes” (plants), “le…