The Joyful Celebration of Christmas: Customs, Traditions, and Festivities
Christmas, celebrated on the 25th of December, is one of the most beloved holidays around the world. It is a time of joy, love, and giving, as well as a…
5 sentences with “avoir maille à partir avec quelqu’un”
Il a eu maille à partir avec son voisin à cause du bruit. He had a quarrel with his neighbor because of the noise. Elle a eu maille à partir…
Weekend Getaway in Montpellier
Weekend Getaway in Montpellier Day 1: Morning: Arrive in Montpellier and check into your hotel in the historic center, known as Ecusson. This vibrant neighborhood is filled with narrow streets,…
What level of French one should to get the Belgium citizenship?
For those considering applying for Belgian citizenship, understanding the language requirements is an important step in the process. In this article, we will discuss what level of French language is…
What level of French one should have to emigrate to Belgium?
Belgium is a multilingual country where both French and Dutch are official languages, but there are also many other languages spoken. For those who are considering emigrating to Belgium, the…
5 sentences with “avoir la bêtise de faire quelque chose”
Il a eu la bêtise de jouer avec le feu et s’est brûlé les doigts. He had the foolishness to play with fire and burned his fingers. Elle a eu…
How to ask if someone is available in French
Seriez-vous libre mercredi prochain ? Would you be free next Wednesday? Serez-vous libre mercredi prochain ? Will you be free next Wednesday? Êtes-vous libre mercredi prochain ? Are you free…
5 sentences with “avoir le sens de la fête”
Elle a toujours le sens de la fête et sait comment mettre de l’ambiance. She always has a sense of partying and knows how to create a lively atmosphere. Les…
5 sentences with “avoir d’autres chats à fouetter”
Je suis désolé, je ne peux pas t’aider maintenant, j’ai d’autres chats à fouetter. I’m sorry, I can’t help you right now, I have other fish to fry. J’ai bien…
Topics Covered in VCE French
VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) French is a standardized exam offered in the Australian state of Victoria to assess the language proficiency of non-native speakers of French at a high…
5 sentences with “avoir le don de”
Elle a le don de rendre les gens heureux avec sa présence. She has the gift of making people happy with her presence. Mon grand-père avait le don de raconter…
20 French phrases for Asking for recommendations for local pet services or veterinarians
Où puis-je trouver un bon vétérinaire pour mon chien? (Where can I find a good veterinarian for my dog?) Avez-vous des services de pension pour animaux? (Do you have pet…