French grammar tip: Using ‘Il faut’ for Necessity
‘Il faut’ is used to express necessity or obligation in French, similar to ‘one must’ or ‘it is necessary to’. For example, ‘Il faut étudier pour réussir’ (One must study…
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‘Il faut’ is used to express necessity or obligation in French, similar to ‘one must’ or ‘it is necessary to’. For example, ‘Il faut étudier pour réussir’ (One must study…
‘De plus en plus’ is used to express a gradual increase, similar to ‘more and more’. For example, ‘Il fait de plus en plus froid’ (It is getting colder and…
‘Tout de suite’ means ‘right away’ or ‘immediately’ in French. For example, ‘Je reviens tout de suite’ (I’ll be right back). ‘Tout de suite’ signifie ‘right away’ ou ‘immediately’ en…
‘Il est certain que’ is used to express certainty in French. For example, ‘Il est certain qu’il viendra’ (It is certain that he will come). ‘Il est certain que’ est…
‘Bien que’ is used to express concession, similar to ‘although’ or ‘even though’. It is followed by the subjunctive mood. For example, ‘Bien qu’il soit tard, je vais sortir’ (Although…
‘Autant’ is used in French to make comparisons of quantity or degree, similar to ‘as much as’ or ‘as many as’. For example, ‘Il a autant de livres que moi’…
‘Ne…que’ is a structure used in French to mean ‘only’. For example, ‘Je ne mange que des fruits’ (I only eat fruits). ‘Ne…que’ est une structure utilisée en français pour…
‘C’est’ is used before a noun to identify or describe something, while ‘Il est’ is used before an adjective. For example, ‘C’est un bon livre’ (It’s a good book) vs.…
‘Malgré’ is used to express concession, similar to ‘despite’ or ‘in spite of’. For example, ‘Malgré la pluie, nous sommes sortis’ (Despite the rain, we went out). ‘Malgré’ est utilisé…
‘Depuis’ is used to express the duration of an action that started in the past and is still ongoing. For example, ‘Je vis ici depuis cinq ans’ (I have been…
‘Tout’ can function as both an adverb (meaning ‘completely’) and an adjective (meaning ‘all’). For example, ‘Il est tout seul’ (He is all alone) vs. ‘Tous les jours’ (Every day).…
‘Sinon’ is used to present alternatives or conditions, similar to ‘otherwise’. For example, ‘Dépêche-toi, sinon tu vas rater le bus’ (Hurry up, otherwise you’ll miss the bus). ‘Sinon’ est utilisé…