French grammar tip: Using ‘À moins que’ for Conditions
‘À moins que’ means ‘unless’ and is used to introduce a condition. It is followed by the subjunctive mood. For example, ‘Je vais venir, à moins qu’il ne pleuve’ (I…
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‘À moins que’ means ‘unless’ and is used to introduce a condition. It is followed by the subjunctive mood. For example, ‘Je vais venir, à moins qu’il ne pleuve’ (I…
‘Encore une fois’ means ‘once again’ or ‘one more time’ and is used to emphasize the repetition of an action. For example, ‘Dis-le encore une fois’ (Say it one more…
‘D’ailleurs’ means ‘besides’ or ‘by the way’ and is used to add additional information. For example, ‘Il n’aime pas le chocolat; d’ailleurs, il est allergique au cacao’ (He doesn’t like…
‘Encore’ means ‘again’ and is used to indicate repetition. For example, ‘Fais-le encore’ (Do it again). ‘Encore’ signifie ‘again’ et est utilisé pour indiquer la répétition. Par exemple, ‘Fais-le encore’.
‘Si’ is used to affirm a positive response to a negative question in French. For example, ‘Tu n’aimes pas les pommes?’ ‘Si, j’adore les pommes!’ (You don’t like apples? Yes,…
‘Aucun(e)’ means ‘none’ or ‘not any’ and is used for negation in French. For example, ‘Je n’ai aucun doute’ (I have no doubt). ‘Aucun(e)’ signifie ‘none’ ou ‘not any’ et…
‘Comme’ is used to make comparisons, similar to ‘like’ or ‘as’. For example, ‘Il est fort comme un lion’ (He is strong like a lion). ‘Comme’ est utilisé pour faire…
‘Pourtant’ means ‘however’ or ‘yet’ and is used to introduce a contrast or opposition. For example, ‘Il fait froid, pourtant il sort sans manteau’ (It is cold, yet he goes…
‘Peut-être’ means ‘maybe’ or ‘perhaps’ and is used to express uncertainty or doubt. For example, ‘Peut-être qu’il viendra’ (Maybe he will come). ‘Peut-être’ signifie ‘maybe’ ou ‘perhaps’ et est utilisé…
‘Plutôt’ is used to express preference or a choice, similar to ‘rather’. For example, ‘Je préfère le thé plutôt que le café’ (I prefer tea rather than coffee). ‘Plutôt’ est…
‘Tout’ can function as a pronoun meaning ‘everything’ or ‘all’. For example, ‘Tout est possible’ (Everything is possible) or ‘Je prends tout’ (I take everything). ‘Tout’ peut fonctionner comme un…
‘Quelque’ means ‘some’ or ‘a few’, and it is used with singular nouns. ‘Quelques’ is the plural form and is used with plural nouns. For example, ‘J’ai quelque chose à…