French grammar tip: Understanding ‘Pourtant’ for Contrast
‘Pourtant’ means ‘yet’ or ‘however’ and is used to introduce a contrast. For example, ‘Il fait froid, pourtant il sort en t-shirt’ (It is cold, yet he goes out in…
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‘Pourtant’ means ‘yet’ or ‘however’ and is used to introduce a contrast. For example, ‘Il fait froid, pourtant il sort en t-shirt’ (It is cold, yet he goes out in…
‘Quoique’ means ‘although’ or ‘even though’ and is used to express concession. It is often followed by the subjunctive. For example, ‘Quoique tu sois fatigué, tu dois travailler’ (Although you…
‘Venir’ means ‘to come’ and is used to indicate movement towards the speaker, while ‘arriver’ means ‘to arrive’ and focuses on the endpoint of the journey. For example, ‘Je viens…
‘Donc’ means ‘so’ or ‘therefore’ and is used to indicate a logical conclusion. For example, ‘Il pleut, donc nous resterons à l’intérieur’ (It is raining, so we will stay inside).…
‘Quelle surprise!’ is an exclamation meaning ‘What a surprise!’ and is used to express shock or amazement. For example, ‘Tu es là? Quelle surprise!’ (You’re here? What a surprise!). ‘Quelle…
‘Peut-être’ means ‘maybe’ or ‘perhaps’ and expresses uncertainty. ‘Probablement’ means ‘probably’ and indicates a higher level of certainty. For example, ‘Peut-être qu’il viendra’ (Maybe he will come) vs. ‘Il viendra…
‘Tout à l’heure’ can mean either ‘a little while ago’ or ‘in a little while’, depending on context. For example, ‘Je l’ai vu tout à l’heure’ (I saw him a…
‘Ne…pas encore’ means ‘not yet’ and is used to indicate that something has not happened yet. For example, ‘Je n’ai pas encore fini’ (I have not finished yet). ‘Ne…pas encore’…
‘Afin de’ means ‘in order to’ and is used to express purpose. For example, ‘Je travaille dur afin de réussir’ (I work hard in order to succeed). ‘Afin de’ signifie…
‘Faillir’ is a verb used to indicate that something almost happened but didn’t. For example, ‘J’ai failli tomber’ means ‘I almost fell’. ‘Faillir’ est un verbe utilisé pour indiquer que…
‘Presque’ means ‘almost’ and is used to indicate approximation. For example, ‘Il est presque midi’ (It’s almost noon). ‘Presque’ signifie ‘almost’ et est utilisé pour indiquer une approximation. Par exemple,…
‘À moins que’ means ‘unless’ and is used to introduce a condition. It is followed by the subjunctive mood. For example, ‘Je vais venir, à moins qu’il ne pleuve’ (I…