French grammar tip: Using ‘Venir de’ for Recent Past
‘Venir de’ followed by an infinitive is used to express something that has just happened, equivalent to ‘just’ in English. For example, ‘Je viens de manger’ means ‘I just ate’.…
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‘Venir de’ followed by an infinitive is used to express something that has just happened, equivalent to ‘just’ in English. For example, ‘Je viens de manger’ means ‘I just ate’.…
‘Il y a’ is used to indicate how long ago something happened, similar to ‘ago’ in English. For example, ‘Il y a cinq ans’ means ‘five years ago’. ‘Il y…
‘Imparfait’ is used for ongoing or repeated past actions, while ‘passé composé’ is used for specific actions completed in the past. For example, ‘Je jouais au football’ (I used to…
The passive voice in French is formed using the verb ‘être’ followed by the past participle. For example, ‘Le livre est lu par Marie’ means ‘The book is read by…
‘Depuis’ is used in French to indicate an action that started in the past and is still continuing. For example, ‘Je vis ici depuis cinq ans’ means ‘I have been…
The verb ‘devoir’ in French is used to express obligation, duty, or necessity, similar to ‘must’ or ‘have to’ in English. For example, ‘Je dois partir’ means ‘I must leave’.…
‘Lequel’ is a pronoun used to ask ‘which one’ or ‘which’. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it replaces. For instance, ‘Laquelle de ces robes préfères-tu?’ means…
In French, ‘si’ is used to introduce conditional sentences, similar to ‘if’ in English. For example, ‘Si j’avais de l’argent, je voyagerais’ means ‘If I had money, I would travel’.…
‘Que’ is used in French to make comparisons, particularly when saying something is more, less, or as much as something else. For example, ‘Il est plus grand que moi’ means…
In French, the auxiliary verb ‘avoir’ is commonly used to form the past tense (passé composé) for most verbs. For example, ‘J’ai mangé’ means ‘I ate’ or ‘I have eaten’.…
The pronoun ‘en’ replaces phrases that start with ‘de’ or indicate quantities, such as ‘J’ai besoin de sucre’ becoming ‘J’en ai besoin’ (I need some). Le pronom ‘en’ remplace les…
‘Ne…que’ is a construction in French that means ‘only’. It is used to restrict the scope of the verb. For instance, ‘Je ne mange que des fruits’ means ‘I only…