Elle sait toujours trouver les mots justes, elle a vraiment du tact.
She always knows how to find the right words, she really has tact.

Mon collègue a su aborder le sujet délicat avec beaucoup de tact.
My colleague managed to address the sensitive topic with a lot of tact.

Il a su exprimer sa désapprobation sans blesser les sentiments des autres, il a du tact.
He managed to express his disapproval without hurting others’ feelings, he has tact.

La politicienne a su gérer la situation délicate avec tact et diplomatie.
The politician handled the delicate situation with tact and diplomacy.

J’admire sa capacité à dire les choses avec tact et délicatesse.
I admire his ability to say things with tact and delicacy.