Il a eu le front de me demander de lui prêter de l’argent après tout ce qu’il m’a fait.
He had the nerve to ask me to lend him money after everything he did to me.

Comment a-t-il le front de critiquer mon travail alors qu’il ne fait rien lui-même ?
How does he have the audacity to criticize my work when he doesn’t do anything himself?

Elle a eu le front de venir à la fête sans être invitée.
She had the cheek to come to the party without being invited.

J’ai du mal à croire qu’il ait le front de mentir si effrontément.
I find it hard to believe that he has the gall to lie so blatantly.

Ils ont eu le front de refuser mon offre généreuse.
They had the nerve to refuse my generous offer.