Cet homme a toujours du bagout, il sait comment captiver son auditoire.
This man always has the gift of gab, he knows how to captivate his audience.

Elle a convaincu tout le monde avec son bagout lors de la réunion.
She convinced everyone with her persuasive speech during the meeting.

Les vendeurs doivent avoir du bagout pour attirer les clients et conclure des ventes.
Salespeople need to have the gift of gab to attract customers and close sales.

Son bagout lui permet de s’exprimer aisément en public et de convaincre son auditoire.
His eloquence allows him to speak confidently in public and convince his audience.

Avec son bagout naturel, elle a su se faire remarquer lors du concours d’éloquence.
With her natural gift of gab, she managed to stand out during the eloquence competition.