Welcome to unit 14 of the main curriculum at French4me.net, where you will delve into the intricacies of the French language and expand your knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This unit is dedicated to the past of the subjunctive, adverbial phrases, antonyms, plural forms of compound words, gerunds, past participles, and much more.

You will start with the lesson “The past of the Subjunctive”, which will introduce you to the concept of the subjunctive and its use in the past tense. This lesson will cover 18 minutes of your learning time.

Throughout this unit, you will explore various adverbial phrases and their use in French, including those associated with adverbs ending in “MENT”, those that express time, speed, and location, and adverbial phrases that serve as modifiers of adjectives and adverbs. These lessons will take a total of 29 minutes and 54 seconds to complete.

In addition to adverbial phrases, you will also learn about antonyms formed with the prefixes “DÉ, DÉS” and “MAL, MÉ”. These lessons will take a total of 9 minutes and 12 seconds to complete.

In the lesson “The plural form of compound words”, you will learn about the different forms of plural compound words and how to form them correctly. This lesson will take a total of 16 minutes and 56 seconds to complete.

You will also study the use of reflexive forms, gerunds, past gerunds, negative past gerunds, and past participles. These lessons will take a total of 20 minutes and 45 seconds to complete.

In the lesson “Lequel” and “Laquelle”, you will learn about the use of these French words and how to incorporate them into your speaking and writing. This lesson will take a total of 5 minutes to complete.

Lastly, you will study various aspects of the French language, including polite requests, the use of verbs with the preposition “À” followed by a noun, the futur antérieur dans la proposition subordonnée, and the conditionnel passé et futur antérieur du passé. These lessons will take a total of 33 minutes and 46 seconds to complete.

This unit offers a comprehensive study of various aspects of the French language and is an excellent opportunity for students to improve their language skills. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn!

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