Depuis le lancement de son entreprise, elle a le vent en poupe et connaît un succès croissant.
Since the launch of her company, she has the wind in her sails and is experiencing growing success.

L’équipe de football a remporté plusieurs victoires consécutives, elle a le vent en poupe.
The football team has won several consecutive victories, they have the wind in their sails.

Grâce à sa nouvelle chanson, l’artiste a le vent en poupe et est de plus en plus populaire.
Thanks to her new song, the artist has the wind in her sails and is becoming increasingly popular.

Le secteur de la technologie a le vent en poupe, de nouvelles innovations voient le jour régulièrement.
The technology sector has the wind in its sails, new innovations are emerging regularly.

Après avoir remporté un prix prestigieux, l’écrivain a le vent en poupe et ses livres se vendent rapidement.
After winning a prestigious award, the writer has the wind in his sails and his books are selling quickly.