Lorsqu’on lui pose des questions sur l’accident, il a le regard fuyant, ce qui éveille les soupçons.
When asked questions about the accident, he has an evasive look, which arouses suspicion.

Pendant l’interrogatoire, le suspect avait le regard fuyant, ce qui a attiré l’attention des enquêteurs.
During the interrogation, the suspect had a shifty gaze, which caught the attention of the investigators.

Lorsqu’on aborde le sujet délicat, elle a souvent le regard fuyant, signe qu’elle préfère éviter d’en parler.
When the delicate subject is brought up, she often has an avoidant gaze, a sign that she prefers not to talk about it.

Le menteur a le regard fuyant, cherchant à éviter le contact visuel lorsqu’il raconte ses histoires.
The liar has a shifty gaze, seeking to avoid eye contact when telling his stories.

En essayant d’éviter le conflit, il a le regard fuyant, détournant les yeux pour ne pas affronter la situation.
In an attempt to avoid conflict, he has an evasive gaze, turning his eyes away to not confront the situation.