In France, the secondary education system is divided into two parts: the collège (middle school) and the lycée (high school). The collège is the first stage of secondary education and is open to all students who have completed their primary education. Typically, students start collège at the age of 11 and attend for four years, from 6ème to 3ème grade. The collège curriculum includes a range of subjects, such as French, mathematics, science, history, geography, and foreign languages.

At the end of the 3ème grade, students take the national diploma exam, known as the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB), which is a certification of academic achievement. Students are automatically registered for the exam, which assesses their knowledge and skills in various subjects, and is a prerequisite for admission to a lycée. Following the exam, there may be meetings with teachers and school counselors to discuss students’ options for further education.

At the end of collège, students can choose to pursue their education in either a general and technological lycée or a vocational lycée. They can also opt for apprenticeship training, which involves attending a center for apprentice training (CFA) while working for a company.

In the lycée, students typically begin in the 10th grade (seconde) and study for three years, ending with the baccalauréat (bac) exam. The baccalauréat is a diploma that certifies the completion of secondary education and is a prerequisite for higher education. The lycée offers different tracks of study, including general, technological, and vocational courses, each of which prepares students for different career paths.

In order to enroll your child in collège or lycée, you need to go through a registration process. For collège, a registration form is usually given to your child in April, which should be completed with the help of the teacher or school director. For lycée, registration typically takes place in June or July, and is conducted at the local educational authority (académie) or online. The registration process requires you to provide proof of identity, proof of residence, and the student’s academic records.

It is important to note that education in France is compulsory until the age of 16, and parents are required to ensure their children attend school regularly. The French education system places great emphasis on academic achievement, but also on developing well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the challenges of the future.

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