J’ai réussi à lui jouer un tour et à l’avoir dans le baba.
I managed to play a trick on him and have him in the bag.
Il pensait avoir trouvé la solution, mais finalement, il l’a dans le baba.
He thought he had found the solution, but in the end, he has it in the bag.
Elle s’est trompée dans son calcul et maintenant elle l’a dans le baba.
She made a mistake in her calculation, and now she has it in the bag.
Le vendeur a promis une livraison rapide, mais nous l’avons dans le baba, la commande n’arrive pas.
The seller promised a quick delivery, but we have it in the bag, the order isn’t arriving.
Il était convaincu de gagner la partie, mais à la fin, il l’a eu dans le baba.
He was convinced he would win the game, but in the end, he had it in the bag.